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ART. Manchester Art Gallery.

Manchester Art Gallery

I've just returned from visiting my father, as you may know, he is in a care home, just outside Manchester. It was his 80th birthday. As usual, I took the train into Manchester and did my usual walk around the city centre. 

Walking down from Piccadilly Station, I take a left turn, after the gardens into Mosley Street and head down to Manchester Art Gallery. 

I always have a look at the gallery's terrific collection of Pre-Raphaelite paintings, including Autumn Leaves by Sir John Everett Millais, but I also make sure I look at the truly great examples of work, the gallery owns of the artists Peter Lanyon, Howard Hodgkin and Francis Bacon.

The last time I was there, they had a fantastic, extensive,  exhibition of Ford Madox Brown's  - (Pre-Raphaelite Pioneer) work. This time there was a thought-provoking exhibition of photographs by Roger Ballen.

I have a soft spot for Manchester Art Gallery. It's influence on me since I was a boy goes deep. See my biography .

It's always been a dream to see one of my paintings hung on a wall there, on public display. I would quite happily donate one of my paintings to Manchester Art Gallery. In fact they could take their pick of whichever one they wished. I'd gladly give it to them. 

In fact, most public galleries would find my ear sympathetic to a request for a painting. Like a lot of artists, I like the idea of lots of people seeing my work. Painting isn't all about money and the prices paintings fetch. 

Here in Cornwall the bigger galleries are obviously promoting artists to make money, the smaller galleries are basically selling tourist tat. Nationally the situation is repeated. Public galleries just can't raise the money to buy new works. 

Maybe, artists should help out more and donate significant works.

What do you think ?

To go to Manchester Art Gallery click here


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