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Once again, a big thank you to everyone, from around the World, who's visited my website. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm truly amazed at the response to it,  and hopefully making friends through it. 

Well, the FACETS Book finally came back from the printers yesterday, and I think it looks and feels great, and quite substantial. When you get the proofs to approve, you sort of get to know what the final product will be. But, when you open the boxes and hold the thing in your hands, on the heavier finished paper stock, with a rigid cover, it's a magical thing. 

My many years in publishing, gave me a dread of what the proofs of covers would turn out like. Printers, never, ever seemed to get it right.

However, a big thanks to Mick Heath and the printers in Wales for a truly great effort.

The picture, that seems to grab people, in the book, is the one of my cat, who is sitting on my knee, even as I'm typing this blog. She is never far away from me. Makes it a bit hard to paint sometimes. I'll post the out-take picture of her soon. She won't thank me for it !

I decided, from the start, to write, photograph my paintings, design the book myself, as opposed to the REFLECTIONS book, where I traced the pages for a designer to follow, and someone else wrote the text. David J Howe did a great job though !

I thought, that with all my years in publishing, I ought to do it myself. Of course, being a control freak, it took me a while to design it. But, here it is. Phew ! What a relief !

I'm heavily into the VOIDS project now, there'll be a few more pics put on the VOIDS Preview page soon.

Once again, a very big HELLO, to all of you around the World, who have taken the time and interest, to look at my website.

Feel free to contact me, using the contact page.

Take Care


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Web site problems. Sorry for any inconvenience. Hopefully the site will be up and running smoothly soon. Stephen


All paintings, photos & text remain the copyright of Stephen Bradbury
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