Hello everyone
I haven't added a blog for a while.
Like most artists and creative people, you go through a period of re-adjustment and re-evaluate where you go next. You get a bit lost sometimes !
My own, personal, fall-back mechanism for this is to go gardening. With an acre of garden, it's not hard to find things to do, no matter what the weather ! It's very therapeutic. Being at one with nature and the wildlife.
We all have gifts. We are all beautiful, different, individuals. All of us in our daily lives are trying to work out who we are, where  we are going and getting through whatever it is, that each day throws at us. Trying to work out what to do next, in our lives ! Life is not always easy ! Certainly, as you get older, there is that feeling of time running out !
And in the meantime, if you are like me, not quite sure what you are doing next, get out there, in the fresh air (and Cornish rain) and do some digging.
People from all around the World look at this website. I'd like to thank each one of you.
Take care. Look to the star.
God bless