Stephen Bradbury
Art / Paintings / Illustration / Facets / Voids/ Colour Series

FACETS BOOK NOW IN STOCK including FREE shipping ( UK )
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Facets, presents the latest series of
contemporary, beautiful, iconic paintings by
painter, Stephen Bradbury. An incisive text by
the artist himself, describes the motivations
and thought processes that led him to paint the
series. Famous for his long career as an
illustrator, Facets, describes the artist’s
interest in the History of Modern Art, and his
decision to become a painter. Photos of the
artist, his studio, objects and landscape, offer
a fascinating glimpse into his life and work
environment. Lavishly illustrated from cover to
cover with 88 large, colour and 2 black and
white reproductions. The book offers an
extensive, visual, feast and catalogue of a
major body of work.
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